
『シュリー・ラマナ・ギーター』 第三章 最も重要な務め

◇『シュリー・ラマナ・ギーター(Sri Ramana Gita)』、Sri Vasistha Ganapati Muni著
英文は、上がProf.K.Swaminathan、下がS.Sankaranarayanan のものです。上の英文は意訳的で、下は逐語訳的です。日本語訳は、その二つの英訳とサンスクリット語の原文を参考にして翻訳しています(文:shiba)

第三章 最も重要な務め


In this third chapter we record, for the delight of the wise,
the conversation between Daivarata and Acharya Ramana.

In this third chapter we shall compile the conversation 
between Daivarata and Guru Ranama for the delight of the learned.


In samsara what is the paramount task of a man?
May Bhagavan be pleased to decide and explain it to me.

In this world of births and deaths what is important that a man should do?
May Bhagavan be pleased to explain to me 
after due deliberation the one (that has to be done).


The aspirant has to discover his own real nature
which is the basis of all actions and their fruits.

For those aspiring high, to know one's own form is important.
In it lies the foundation of every thing, of fruits and actions.


What in brief is the means to know one's own real nature?
What is the effort that can bring about the sublime inner vision?

What in brief is the means for attaining the knowledge of the true form of one's Self?
Which is the effort that will accomplish the great inward vision?


Strenuously withdrawing all thoughts from sense-objects,
one should remain fixed in steady, non-objective enquiry.

Trurning away with effort all the activities from sensory object
one should take his stance in absolute deliberation,
unchanging, without any motive whatsoever.


This, in brief, is the means of knowing one's own real nature;
this effort alone brings about the sublime inner vision.

That is in brief the means of knowledge of one's true form.
Only by that effort the great inward vision will be accomplished.


O Best of Sages, will niyamas continue to aid spiritual effort,
until success in yoga is achieved?

O Elephant amongst sages! Do regulations help effort 
as long as men have to get Siddhi in Yoga?


Niyamas do help the earnest efforts of aspirants.
These niyamas drop away of their own accord
from those who have attained success and have nothing more to do.

Regulations help the efforts of the good who practice Yoga.
Regulations drop away of their own accord 
in the case of the Siddhas who have accomplished their purpose.


Does repetition of mantras bring about the same result
as the steady practice of pure, non-objective enquiry.

As the Siddhi is obtained by an absolute fixed motiveless deliberation, 
will Siddhi be acquired in the same way, by the japa of Mantras, as well, or not?


Success attends the earnest seekers who
, incessantly and with steady mind, repeat mantras or pranava.

If the japa of the Mantras or the Japa of Pranava, is done 
without any intermission with an unwavering mind, 
there will be accomplishment in the case of the faithful.


By repetition of mantras or of pure pranava alone,
one's mind is withdrawn form sense-objects and becomes identical with one's own real Being.

By the japa of mantras or of Pranava alone, 
the activity is turned away from sensory objects and becomes the form of one's Self.


This marvellous conversation took place on the seventh day of July 1917.

In the year 1917 of Christian era, on the seventh of the seventh (month)
this wonderful conversation took place.


This is the third chapter entitled 'THE PARAMOUNT TASK'
in Sri Ramana Gita, the Science of Brahman, and the Scripture of Yoga 
composed by Ramana's disciple Vasishta Ganapati.

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