
「シュリー・アルナーチャラへの文字で編まれた婚礼の花輪(Arunachala Aksharamanamalai)」

 ◇『シュリー・ラマナ・マハルシの集成(Collected Works of Sri Ramana Maharshi)』、p65~67、70、一部略
 「シュリー・アルナーチャラへの文字で編まれた婚礼の花輪」は、バガヴァーン・ラマナ・マハルシによって作られた「シュリー・アルナーチャラへの五つの賛歌」の中の一つです。以下の英文は、K.スワミナサン教授の英訳です。また、本文以外の導入の詩節と祈りは、『Collected Works of Sri Ramana Maharshi』に記載されている英訳です。














(a) O Arunachala, you root out the ego of those who think of you at heart.
(b) O Arunachala, you root out the ego of those who think "Arunachala am I"


O Arunachala, may I and you, like Azhagu and Sundaram become one and be indivisible !


O Arunachala, why did you enter my home and carry me away and why do you keep me now a prisoner in your home, the cave of the Heart ?


For whose sake did you conquer me? Was it for your pleasure or my good ? If now you cast me off, the world would blame you, O Arunachala.


Escape this blame. Why did you make me remember you? Who will let you go hereafter, O Arunachala ?



(a) Kinder far are you than one's own mother. And is this your kindness, O Arunachala ?
(b) Kinder far are you, O Arunachala, than one's own natural mother. Such is your abun dant grace.




(a) Stay firmly in my mind, O Arunachala, so that it may not elude you and wander else where.
(b) Without changing yourself into a stranger and running away from me, sit firmly in my mind, O Arunachala.
(c) Stay firmly in my mind, O Arunachala, and keep watch, so that this mind of mine may not change even you into me and the world, and wander away from you, the Real.


Reveal your true beauty, O Arunachala, so that the fickle mind is prevented from wandering in the streets and is stilled by your Presence.


Is it manliness, O Arunachala, if you fail now to embrace me and destroy my maiden hood ?


Is it proper, O Arunachala, that you should pretend to be asleep when strangers are dragging me away from you?


When those robbers, the five senses, enter my mind, are you not present there at home to keep them out, O Arunachala?


You are the one without a second, the sole, real being, O Arunachala. Who can hide you or hide from you and come in here? If strangers come in, it is with your knowledge. All this is but your jugglery.


Import of AUM, unequalled, unsurpassed, who can understand you, O Arunachala?



(a) Like a good mother, you are bound in duty to bestow your grace on me and govern me, O Arunachala.
(b) As Siva was gracious to old Avvai or to my mother or to Goddess Uma, to me too you are bound to be gracious, O Arunachala, and me too you should govern. (I am like Avvai)




(a) Eye of the eye you are and without eyes you see. Who can see you, O Arunachala?
(b) You are the sight within the eye and without eyes you see. Who can see you but your self, O Arunachala?
(c) You are the all-seeing witness, seeing all sights and seen by none. Who can see you? It is for you to see me and give me your grace, O Arunachala.


As a magnet draws iron, draw me to yourself, O Arunachala: hold me fast, be one with me.


Ocean of compassion manifesting as a mountain, have mercy on me, give me your grace, O Arunachala.


Gem of awareness shining in all creatures low or high, destroy the meanness in my heart, O Arunachala.


O Arunachala, you who stand and shine before me in the form of my guru, destroy utterly my faults, cure me and convert me, and as your servant govern me.



(a) Save me from the sword (sharp glances) of women, O Arunachala, give me your grace and be one with me.
(b) Save me from the cruel power of men with sharp swords and cunning snares. O Aruna chala, give me your grace and be one with me.


Though I beg and beg, you are cruel and show no mercy. Now at least say 'Fear Not', O Arunachala.


Great is your fame as a giver of gifts unasked. Be gracious to me, O Arunachala and do not spoil your own good name.


Ripe fruit in my hand, O Arunachala, let me drink in your true sweetness and be mad with joy.


You have raised the flag vowing the death of the ego in your devotees. How then can I survive after wedding you, O Arunachala.



(a) O Arunachala, unruffled by anger, what fault have I committed that you do not make me, that is, my ego, your target?
(b) O Arunachala, unruffled by anger, what penance did I perform that you should make me your target (that you should have destroyed my ego)?


Great mountain of compassion praised by Gautama, glance on me with grace and govern me, O Arunachala.


Sun whose bright rays envelop the whole world, O Arunchala, make my heart-lotus blo ssom.



(a) Let me, your prey, surrender and be consumed by you O Arunachala, and so have peace.
(b) To feed on you I came, O Arunachala, but I have become your food and am now at peace.


Arunachala, O moon of grace, with your rays as with cool fingers, touch my heart and open the nectar mouth within.



(a) Remove this cloth, expose me naked and then clothe me with your loving grace, O Arunachala.
(b) Destroy my (false) greatness, lay me bare, and give me the real greatness of your grace, O Arunachala.


For the sea of joy to surge, for speech and feeling to subside, rest, O Arunachala, there (in the heart).


Stop deceiving me, testing and proving me, O Arunachala and henceforward reveal to me instead, your form of light.


Reveal to me true formative knowledge (or knowledge of your true form) - so that I may give up this delusive worldly knowledge, O Arunachala.


Unless you join me, O Arunachala, this body will melt away in a river of tears and I shall die.


If you say ‘Fie’ and scorn me, O Arunachala, my past deeds will torture me and where is the hope of life for me?


In wordless silence you told me to abide in silence. And you abide still and quiet, O Arunachala.



(a) If you slumber in quiet repose enjoying the bliss-being, O Arunachala, tell me what other recourse I have.
(b) If I slumber in quiet repose enjoying the bliss of being, what other moksha is there, tell me, O Arunachala.



(a) You showed your prowess. Then you said, “The flaw is gone” and you remain unmoving, O Arunachala.
(b) Your sunlike splendour you revealed and having destroyed my illusion, now you remain inactive and unmoving (as a mountain), O Arunachala.



(a) I am worse than a dog. With what strength can I trace you and reach you, O Aruna chala?
(b) Am I worse than a dog? Certainly not. By my own strength I shall trace you and reach you, O Arunachala.


With no knowledge and with only blind desire for you, I have begun the quest and am tired. To end this weariness, give me the clear knowledge to carry on the quest, O Arunachala.



(a) How is it that even you, O Arunachala, should like a helpless bee stand in front of me saying, "The bud is not yet open?"
(b) How could you, O Arunachala, the Sun itself, stand in front of me saying, like the poor bee, "The bud is not yet open?"



(a) Without knowing the Mahavakya (That thou art), you attained God, became Siva, That itself. Make clear to me and say emphatically, O Arunachala, that this is the Truth.
(b) You are beyond the knowledge of all tattvas, all philosophies. You are only this, the Truth at once transcendent and immanent, you are my Arunachala.




(a) Reveal naturally by yourself, O Arunachala, that each one is himself, the real Self.
(b) You are the sole Reality, O Arunachala. Reveal yourself as such.
(c) "Reality is nothing but the Self". This is all your wish to reveal, is it not, O Arunachala?



(a) How is it, O Arunachala, you told me; “Turn and look within and ever seek the Self with the inner eye and you will see It”?
(b) “Turn (within) and uninterruptedly see yourself with an introverted mind and It will be revealed”. Thus you told me, Oh, my Arunachala.




(a) Faint-hearted though my search was, I have, by your grace, attained the Self, O Arunachala.
(b) Seeking you with my weak mind, I have come back empty-handed. Aid me, O Arunachala.
(c) Seeking you in the infinite Self, I regained my own self, O Arunachala.




(a) Of what use is this birth without the power of self-enquiry? Come and fill this void, O Arunachala.
(b) Of what use is this birth? I won't search for a way unaided by you, O Arunachala.
(c) Of what use is this birth without the Intelligence for self-enquiry? What right have I to open my mouth and compare myself with any creature, O Arunachala?



(a) O my lord Arunachala, let me by your grace merge in your true being where only the pure and mind-free merge.
(b) O my lord Arunachala, let me, even me, merge in your true body, where only those of pure mind and speech merge.


To you as to my only God I came, O Arunachala and me you have totally destroyed.



(a) Wealth benignant, holy grace that came to me unsought, dispel my mind's bewilderment, O Arunachala.
(b) Wealth benignant, holy grace that came to me unsought, end my mind's despondency, O Arunachla.


Boldly seeking your true self, I am ship-wrecked(bewildered), ruined. Have mercy on me, O Arunachala.


Unless you touch me with your hand of grace and embrace me, I am lost, O Arunachala.


O Arunachala, You are wholly free from fault, be one with me at heart so that eternal joy alone abides.



(a) Don't laugh at me, who seek you. Decorate me with your grace and then look at me, O Arunachala.
(b) Smile on me, with grace and not with scorn, for I have come to you for shelter, O Arunachala.



(a) When I approached you to become one with you, O Arunachala, you were not asham ed but stood unmoving like a pillar.
(b) You felt no shyness, you stood unmoved, at one with me, as myself indeed, O Arunachala.


Before your fire (of jnana) burns me to ashes, pour down on me your rain of grace, O Arunachala.



(a) Embracing me till there is no you or I, give me the state of being one eternal bliss, O Arunachala.
(b) Embracing me till there is no I, abide as one eternal bliss, O Arunachala.



(a) When will I reach you Arunachala, subtle, ethereal being, so that the waves of thought (in my mind) may end?
(b) When will the waves of thought (in my mind) end, so that I may reach you Arunachala, subtle, ethereal being?



(a) I am a simple fellow with no book learning. Destroy my illusion, O Arunachala.
(b) I am a simple fellow with no knowledge of the scriptures. Destroy my wrong under standing, O Arunachala.


When I melted away and merged in you, my refuge, you stood there naked, O Aruna chala.


In my loveless heart you planted love of you, O Arunachala. Now do not betray me.



(a) Fruit over-ripe and rotten is worthless. Eat and enjoy it when just ripe. O Arunachala.
(b) Now I am fit, not over-ripe and rotten. Draw me now into the heart and install me in the state supreme, O Arunachala.



(a) Painlessly, you have bartered yourself for me. You have been death to me, O Aruna chala.
(b) Without my undergoing any pain, without an effort on my part, you have bartered yourself for me(giving all and taking nothing). You are blind, are you not, compared to me, O Arunachala?


Look at me! Think of me! Touch me! Make me fit, ripen me! Then be my master, govern me, O Arunachala.


Before the venom of the serpent called Maya mounts to my head and kills me, grant me your grace, the nectar of immortality and save me, O Arunachala.


Regard me graciously and dispel my illusion, If you don't, who in the world will plead with you, O Arunachala?


You made me give up craze for the world and made me crazy for you, O Arunachala. Now give me a medicine to cure every kind of madness.



(a) You are fearless. And I unafraid seek you who are fearless. Why then are you afraid to embrace me, O Arunachala.
(b) You are fearless, And I being afraid seek you who are fearless, O Arunachala?



(a) Tell me what is wrong knowledge. Tell me what is right knowledge. Grant me your grace to get the latter, O Arunachala.
(b) Where is ignorance and where is wisdom, tell me, if you graciously embrace me, O Arunachala.



(a) My mind is now fragrant like a blossom. Add your perfect fragrance to it and make it infinite, O Arunachala.
(b) My mind now smells of the world. Wed me, O Arunachala, so that it may be fragrant with infinitude.


The moment I thought of your name, you caught and drew me to yourself. Who can know the greatness of your grace, O Arunachala?


My Arunachala, you have driven out of me the evil spirit of worldliness and possessed me so that I can never shake you off, and have made me indifferent to the world.


Let me not like an unsupported tender creeper droop and fade. Be a strong staff for me, hold me up and guard me, O Arunachala.


With some magic powder, you stupefied me, robbed me of my jiva-hood and revealed instead your Siva-hood, O Arunachala.


In the wide open space of pure being, where there is no going and no coming, reveal to me the joy of wrestling with your Grace, O Arunachala.


Let attachment to the physical body end, O Arunachala, and let me see and be for ever the splendour of your being.



(a) You having applied the remedy for my confusion, how can I still remain confused? You shine do you not, as the mountain medicine made up of grace, O Arunachala?

(b) You whose grace shines as Sanjivi mountain able to cure all maladies, why are you afraid of applying to me the remedy for confusion, O Arunachala?


Accepting those who approach you with attachment, destroy their individuality and then shine free from wrong attachment and identity with individuals; O Arunachala.



(a) I am a fool who prays for help only when overwhelmed by misery. Yet do not abandon me, O Arunachala.
(b) I am a fool and coward who bullies my inferiors and quails before my superiors. But do not on that account make me weaker and more confused, O Arunachala.


Let me not like a ship without a helmsman flounder in the storm. Guard me with your grace, O Arunachala.


You have undone the knot which shows no beginning and no end. And now should you not like a mother complete the task, O Arunachala?


Don't be a mirror held in front of a noseless man. Lift me up and embrace me, O Aruna chala.


In the body's inner chamber, on the flower-soft bed of mind, let us merge in one true being, O Arunachala.


How is it that by more and more of union with the poor and humble, you have become more and more noble and famous, O Arunachala?


Removing the dark blindness of my ignorance, you have with the collyrium of your grace made me truly yours, O Arunachala.


How wonderful it is that you have shaved my head clean,O Arunachala, and are now dancing a joyous dance in the heart's vast empty space.



(a) Destroy my craze for the world, make me crazy for you and then finally remove all madness once for all, O Arunachala.
(b) You have cured me of my desire for the world and you have given me a firm desire for you. And yet you do not satisfy this strong desire for you by giving yourself to me, O Arunachala.


Standing silent like a stone, unblossoming, is this true mouna, O Arunachala?


Who was it that thrust mud into my mouth and deprived me of my livelihood, O Aruna chala?


Who was it that, unknown to all, stupefied me and robbed me of my senses, O Arunachala?


You being Ramana I said all this; do not be offended. Instead come to me and make me happy, O Arunachala.


In the house (in the freedom) of open space; where there is neither night nor day, come let us enjoy ourselves, O Arunachala.


You aimed at me and sped the arrow of your grace and now you are devouring me alive, O Arunachala.


You are the final goal the whole world wants to gain. I am nothing and nobody in this world or the next. And what did you, the infinite, gain by gaining me, the zero, O Arunachala?


You asked me, did you not, to come to you? Very well, I have come. Now you come and assume the burden of maintaining me. Go on suffering thus. It is your fate to look after me, O Arunachala.


The moment you summoned me to the heart and gave me your life to live, that moment I lost my old life, O Arunachala.


It would be terrible if I let you go (if I forget you) at the moment of death. Bless me, so that I may give up my life without giving you up, O Arunachala.


Out of my house you enticed me, into the chamber of my heart you entered, and then little by little, you revealed the many mansions of your house, your infinite freedom, O Arunachala.


I have betrayed your secret doings. Do not be offended, but openly reveal your grace and save me, O Arunachala.


Give me the essence of the Vedas which shines in the Vedanta as pure awareness, O Arunachala.



(a) Take my words of abuse as words of blessing, treat my slander as praise, accept me as a subject of your sovereign grace, keep me as your own and never forsake me, O Arunachala.
(b) Take my words of abuse as words of blessing.Place your hand on my head as a sign of blessing. Make and keep me as your subject. Do not abandon me, O Arunachala.



(a) As snow in water melts, let me dissolve as love in you who is all love, O Arunachala.
(b) As snow in water kindly dissolve me in you, who is all love, O Arunachala.


The moment I thought of you as Arunachala, you caught me in the noose of grace. Can the net of your grace ever fail to catch and hold its prey, O Arunachala?



(a) As I thought of you and so got caught in the web of your grace, you like a spider held me tight and consumed me, O Arunachala.
(b) Intending to trap me, you like a spider spread your web of grace, you imprisoned me and devoured me, O Arunachala.


Let me be a loving servant of the devotees of those devotees who hear your Name with love, O Arunachala.


May you live for ever, as the loving saviour of poor, helpless people like me, O Aruna chala !


Your ears once heard the sweet songs of those whose very bones melted in love of you. Let them now accept even these poor words of mine, O Arunachala.


Mountain made up of patience, bear with my poor words, accept them, if you please. Do as you will, O Arunachala.


Arunachala, my loving lord, place your garland on my shoulders and wear this my garland on your own, O Arunachala.








◇『シュリー・ラマナ・マハルシの全集(The Collected Works of Sri Ramana Maharshi)』




この全世界の支え目的であるそれ、この全現象(見せかけ)の背後にある現実それは確かに存在する。真理であるそれを我々のハートに住まわせよう。(『ヨーガ・ヴァーシシュタ』, 8, v.12)

That which is the Support, the Soul, the Source, the Purpose and the Power of all this world, the Reality behind all this Appearance, That indeed exists. Let That, the Truth, abide in our Heart. (Yoga Vasishta, 8, v.12)


賢者との交際において、愛着が消え去る。そして、愛着と共に、幻が(消え去る)。幻から解放されて、人は不動を得て、それにより、いまだ命あるうちの解放を得る。それゆえ、賢者との交際を求めよ。(『バジャゴーヴィンダム』 モーハムダガラム賛歌、シャンカラーチャーリヤ著)

In the company of sages, attachment vanishes; and with attachment, illusion. Freed from illusion, one attains stability, and thence liberation while yet alive. Seek therefore the company of sages. (from Bhajagovindam, the “Mohamudagaram Hymn,” by Shankara charya)

説教者の話を聞くことによっても、書籍の学習によっても、称賛に値する行為によっても、他のいかなる手段によっても、人は至高なる境地を得られない。それは、聖者との交際、および、自らの明瞭な探求を通してのみ獲得できる。(『ヨーガ・ヴァーシシュタ』, 5 - 12 - v.17)

Not by listening to preachers, nor by study of books, not by meritorious deeds nor by any other means can one attain that Supreme State, which is attainable only through association with the sages and the clear quest of the Self. (a verse from the Yoga Vasish ta, 5 - 12 - v.17)


When one has learned to love the company of sages, wherefore all these rules of discipline? When a pleasant, cool southern breeze is blowing, what need is there for a fan? (a verse from the Yoga Vasishta)

熱は、月の涼やかな光によって克服される。困窮は、善願かなえる木によって。罪は、聖河ガンガーによって。これら三つ-熱、困窮、罪-全ては、比類なき聖者の堂々たる様を見て、逃げ出す。(『スッバーシタ・ラトナ・バンダルガラ』, 3章、v. 6)

Fever is overcome by the cool light of the moon;want, by the good wish-yielding tree; and sin by the Holy Ganges. Those three — fever and want and sin — all flee at the august sight of the peerless sage.(Subhashita Ratna Bhandargara, chapt. 3, v. 6)

聖河は水でしかなく、聖像は石と粘土から作られ、賢者同様、力強くはない。なぜなら、それらは人を数えきれない月日の間に清めるが、賢者の目はただ一瞥のみによって即座に清める。(『シュリーマッド・バーガヴァタム』 48章、v. 31、第10編)

Holy rivers, which are only water, and idols, which are made of stone and clay, are not as mighty as the sages. For while they make one pure in course of countless days, the sage's eyes by a mere glance purify at once. (from Srimad Bhagavatam, chapt. 48, v. 31, tenth canto)

弟子 : 誰が神ですか。
師 : 心を知る者。
弟子 : 私の自ら、聖霊は私の心を知っています。
師 : それゆえ、あなたが神である。そしてまた、スルティ(聖典)は、ただ一人の神、知る者のみあると言明している。
(『エーカスローキ』 シャンカラーチャーリヤ著)

Disciple : Who is God?
Master : He who knows the mind.
D : My Self, the Spirit, knows my mind.
M : Therefore you are God; and also the sruti declares that there is only one God, the Knower.
(from Ekasloki, by Shankaracharya)

師 : 何の光によって、あなたは見るのか。
弟子 : 昼間は太陽、夜間は灯火。
師 : 何の光によって、あなたはそれらの光を見るのか。
弟子 : 目。
師 : 何の光によって、あなたは目を見るのか。
弟子 : 心。
師 : 何の光によって、あなたは心を見るのか。
弟子 : 私の自ら
師 : ならば、あなたは光の中の光である。
弟子 : ええ、それが私です。
(『エーカスローキ』 シャンカラーチャーリヤ著)

M : By what light do you see?
D : The sun by day, the lamp by night.
M : By what light do you see these lights?
D : The eye.
M : By what light do you see the eye?
D : The mind.
M : By what light do you know the mind?
D : My Self.
M : You then are the Light of Lights.
D : Yes, That I am.
(from Ekasloki, by Shankaracharya)


In the centre of the Heart-Cave there shines alone the one Brahman as the ‘I, I’, the Atman. Reach the Heart by diving deep in quest of the Self, or by controlling the mind with the breath, and stay established in the Atman.

ハートの蓮華の中に、自らの形をした純粋かつ不変の意識がある。自我が取り除かれる時、自らなる、この意識が魂の解放を授ける。(『デヴィカーローッタラム』, v. 46)

In the lotus of the Heart is pure and changeless Consciousness in the form of the Self. When the ego is removed, this Consciousness of Self bestows liberation of soul.(Devikalottaram, v. 46)


The body is like an earthen pot, inert. Because it has no consciousness of ‘I’, and because daily in bodiless sleep we touch our real nature, the body is not ‘I’. Then who is this ‘I’? Where is this ‘I’? In the Heart-cave of those that question thus, there shineth forth as ‘I’, Himself, the Lord Siva of Arunachala.


Who is born? It is only he who asks ‘Whence am I born?’ that is truly born in Brahman, the Prime Source. He indeed is born eternally; He is the Lord of saints; He is the ever-new.(On celebrating Sri Bhagavan’s jayanti)


Cast off the notion, ‘This vile flesh am I,’ and seek the ceaseless bliss of Self. To seek the Self while cherishing this perishing flesh is like trying to cross a stream by clinging to a crocodile.



The way of charity, penance, sacrifice, dharma, yoga and bhakti; and the Goal of Heaven, Reality, Peace, Truth, Grace, Silence, Stability, Deathless Death, Knowledge, Renunciation, Liberation, Bliss — all this is only ceasing to think that the body is the Self.


What is action, or devotion, or union, or knowledge? It is to inquire, ‘Whose is this action, or indifference, or separateness, or ignorance?’ Inquiring thus, the ego vanishes. To abide as the Self, wherein these eight have never been, this is True existence.


Not realizing that they themselves are moved by an energy not their own, some fools are busy seeking miraculous powers. Their antics are like the boasting of a cripple who says to his friends: ‘If you raise me to my feet, these enemies are nothing before me.’


Since the stilling of the mind is true liberation and miraculous powers are unattainable without an act of the mind, how can they whose mind is set on such powers enter the bliss of liberation which is the ending of all activity of the mind?


While God sustains the burden of the world, the spurious ego assumes its burden, grimacing like an image on a tower, seeming to support it. If the traveller in a carriage, which can carry any weight, does not lay his luggage down but carries it painfully on his head, whose is the fault?


Between the two paps, below the chest, above the stomach, there are six organs of vario us colours. Of these, one, looking like a lily bud, is the Heart, at two digits’ distance to the right of the centre. (from Ashtanga Hridayam, Malayalam)


Its mouth is closed. Within its cavity is seated a heavy darkness, filled with all desires; all the great nerves are centred there; the home it is of breath, mind, light of knowledge. (from Ashtanga Hridayam, Malayalam)

ハートの蓮華の内奥が住処である主は、洞窟の主として褒め称えられている。修練の力によって、「私は自我である」というあなたの現在の認識が体の中に打ち立てられているのと同様に堅固に、「私はであり、私は洞窟の主である」という思いが打ち立てられ、そのように、あなたがその洞窟の主として進み出るなら、朝日の前の暗闇のごとく、あなたが壊れやすい体であるという錯覚は消え去る。(カンナダ語の『プラブーリンガ・リーラ』 v. 45, 46の2詩節中に見出される考えを用い、バガヴァーンよって作られた)

The Lord whose home is the interior of the Heart-Lotus is extolled as Lord of the Cave. If by force of practice the feeling ‘I am He, I am the Lord of the Cave’ becomes firmly established, as firmly as your present notion that you are the ego is established in the body, and thus you stand forth as that Lord of the Cave, the illusion that you are the perishable body will vanish like darkness before the rising sun. (composed by Bhagavan, employing the ideas of two verses found in the Prabhulinga Leela, v. 45, 46, Kannada)

ラーマが、「我々がこれらの物の像を見る偉大な鏡は、どれか。世界のあらゆる存在のハート(中心)と呼ばれているのは、一体何なのか」と尋ねた時、ヴァーシシュタは、「我々が熟慮する時、世界のあらゆる存在は二つの異なるハートを持つことを我々は理解する」と答えた。(『ヨーガ・ヴァーシシュタ』, 5 - 78 - v. 32, 33)

When Rama asked, ‘Which is the great mirror in which we see these images of things? What is it that is called the Heart of all the beings in the world?’ Vasishta answered, ‘When we reflect we see that all the beings in the world have two different hearts.’ (Yoga Vasish ta, 5 - 78 - v. 32, 33)

これらの一方は受け入れるに値し、もう一方は拒絶に値する。それらがどのように異なるのか聞けよ。物質的な体の胸部のどこかに位置するハート(心臓)と呼ばれる器官は、拒絶に値する。純粋な自覚の形であるハートは受け入れるに値する。それは内と外の両方にあり、それは内も外も持たない。(『ヨーガ・ヴァーシシュタ』, 5 - 78 - v. 34, 35)

One of these is worth acceptance, the other worth rejection. Listen how they differ. The organ called the heart placed somewhere in the chest of the physical body is worth rejection. The Heart which is of the form of Pure Awareness is worth acceptance; it is both within and without — it has no inside or out. (Yoga Vasishta, 5 - 78 - v. 34, 35)

それこそが根源的なハートであり、その中に、この全世界が留まっている。その中に全てのものが見られるのは、その鏡である。それが全ての富の源泉である。ゆえに、意識は全存在のハート(中心)と名付けられてよい。ハートは、石ころのように意識なく、壊れやすい肉体の一部ではない。(『ヨーガ・ヴァーシシュタ』, 5 - 78 - 36, 37)

That indeed is the essential Heart and in it all this world abides. It is the mirror in which all things are seen. It is the source of all wealth. Hence Awareness may be termed the Heart of all beings. The Heart is not a part of the perishable body inert like a stone. (Yoga Vasis hta, 5 - 78 - 36, 37)

それゆえ、まったき意識である純粋なハートの中に自我を溶け込ます修練によって、呼吸だけでなく心の傾向も抑制される。(『ヨーガ・ヴァーシシュタ』, 5 - 78 - v. 38)

Therefore by the practice of merging the ego in the pure Heart which is all-Awareness, the tendencies of the mind as well as the breath will be subdued. (Yoga Vasishta, 5 - 78 - v. 38)

「シヴァである、かの純粋な無制限の意識それが私である」と絶えずハートの中で瞑想することによって、自我の一切の愛着を取り除け。(『デヴィカーローッタラム』 v.47)

By constantly meditating in the Heart, ‘That pure unconditioned Awareness that is Siva, That am I,’ remove all attachment of the ego. (Devikalottaram, v. 47)

存在の様々な状態を調べ、心によって至高なる現実の境地を堅固につかみ、おお、英雄よ、世界の中で常にあなたの役割を演じよ。あなたは、あらゆる類の現象のハート(中心)にある真理を知っている。その現実から常に顔を背けることなく、おお、英雄よ、世界の中で演じよ-あたかもそれに恋しているかのように。(『ヨーガ・ヴァーシシュタ』, 5 - 18 - v. 20 から 23)

Having investigated the various states of being, and seizing firmly by the mind that State of Supreme Reality, play your part, O hero, ever in the world. You have known the Truth which is at the Heart of all kinds of appearances. Without ever turning away from that Reality, play in the world, O hero, as if in love with it. (Yoga Vasishta, 5 - 18 - v. 20 to 23)

熱中し、喜ぶように見え、興奮し、嫌悪するように見え、主導し、忍耐するように見え、おお、英雄よ、それでいてしかし、愛着なく、世界の中で演じよ。愛着の一切の絆から解放され、心の落ち着きをもって、あらゆる状況であなたが装う役に応じて表面上は振る舞いながら、おお、英雄よ、世界の中であなたの望むままに演じよ。(『ヨーガ・ヴァーシシュタ』, 5 - 18 - v. 24から26)

Seeming to have enthusiasm and delight, seeming to have excitement and aversion, seeming to exercise initiative and perseverance, and yet without attachment, play, O hero, in the world. Released from all bonds of attachment and with equanimity of mind, acting outwardly in all situations in accordance with the part you have assumed, play as you please, O hero, in the world. (Yoga Vasishta, 5 - 18 - v. 24 to 26)


He who by Knowledge of the Atman is established in the Truth, he who has vanquished the five senses — call him the fire of knowledge, the wielder of the thunderbolt of Knowledge, the Conqueror of Time and the Hero who has slain death. (a verse from the Yoga Vasishta)

地上において春の訪れと共に、木が葉の生き生きとした美しさで輝くのとまさしく同様に、真理を悟った者は名声、知性、力はますます高まり、輝く。(『ヨーガ・ヴァーシシュタ』, 5 - 76 - v. 20)

Just as on the earth with the coming of spring the tree shines in fresh beauty of  foliage, even so he who has seen the Truth will shine with growing lustre, intelligence and power.(Yoga Vasishta, 5 - 76 - v. 20)

思いが遠くにさ迷っている間に話しかけられる人のように、愛着のない心は、それが活動する間、不活発にある。しかし、愛着に浸った心は、活動していなくても活発である。夢の中で山に登り、転がり落ちる、ここに動かずに横たわり、寝むる人のように。(『ヨーガ・ヴァーシシュタ』, 5 - 56 - v. 13, 14)

Like one to whom a tale is told while his thoughts are wandering far away, the mind which is free from attachment is inactive while it acts. But the mind immersed in attachments is active, though it does not act, like the sleeper lying motionless here, who in his dream climbs a hill and tumbles down. (Yoga Vasishta, 5 - 56 - v. 13, 14)


As the movement of the cart, its standing still and its being unyoked are to the passenger asleep in the cart, even so are action, contemplation and sleep to the Sage asleep in the cart of his body.


For one who seeks waking, dreaming or sleep there is a state beyond these three, a wakeful sleep, a fourth state called the turiya. But because this turiya state alone is real and the three apparent states are illusory, the ‘fourth’ state is indeed the transcendental state.


The statement that the jnani retains prarabdha while free from sanchita and agami is only a formal answer to the questions of the ignorant. Of several wives none escapes widowhood when the husband dies; even so, when the doer goes, all three karmas vanish.

学のない人々には、妻、子供、召使いからなる一つの家族のみある。しかし、たいそう学のある人々の心には、ヨーガへの障害として、書籍、学説、持論なる多くの家族がいる。(『スッバーシタ・ラトナ・バンダーガラ』 プラカラナⅥ、シャンタ・ラサ・ニルデシャ、v. 13)

For unlearned folk there is only one family consisting of wife, children and dependants. But in the mind of those with much learning there are many families of books, theories and opinions as obstacles to yoga. (Subhashita Ratna Bhandagara, Prakarana VI, Shanta Rasa Nirdesha ,v. 13)


What is the use of letters to those lettered folk who do not seek to wipe out the letters of fate by inquiring, ‘Whence are we born?’ What else are they but gramaphones, O Lord of Arunachala? They learn and repeat words without realizing their meaning.


The unlettered are easier saved than those who are learned but unsubdued. The unlettered are free from the clutches of the demon Pride, they are free from the malady of many whirling thoughts and words; they are free from the mad pursuit of wealth; they are free from many, many ills.

ある人が世界をわらの束(無価値なもの)とみなし、あらゆる宗教的知識をその手にしていても、彼が卑しむべき遊女、追従(ついしょう)に屈しているならば、彼が束縛から逃れることは難しい。(『サーダカ・アヴァスタ』 シュリー・サダーシヴァ・ブラメーンドラ著)

Though a man looks on the world as a wisp of straw and holds all sacred lore in his hand, it is hard for him to escape from thralldom if he has yielded to vile Flattery, the harlot. (from Sadhaka Avasta, by Sri Sadasiva Brahmendra)


Without thinking of oneself as apart from others, without swerving from one’s true state, if one abides always in one’s Self, who is there alien to one? What matters it what people say of one? What matters it if one praises or blames oneself?

アドヴァイタをハートの内にしまえ。それを決して行為に移すなかれ。たとえあなたがそれを三つの世界すべてに当てはめても、おお、子よ、それはグルに当てはめられるべきではない。(『タットヴォーパデーシャ』 v.87、シャンカラーチャーリヤ著)

Keep advaita within the Heart. Do not ever carry it into action. Even if you apply it to all the three worlds, O Son, it is not to be applied to the Guru. (Tattvopadesa, v. 87, by Shankara charya)


I shall declare truly the essence of the final doctrine of the Vedanta: when the ego dies and becomes That, the Self of Pure Awareness, That alone abides.